The 3 Step Process To Ensure Business Success – Episode 147

The 3 Step Process To Ensure Business Success – Episode 147

“This is fundamental for any business’s success. Unfortunately, it’s something that many entrepreneurs overlook,” begins May Yeo Silvers as she delves into the three-step process for ensuring business success, especially for those in the event planning industry. Clarity – belief – action: these 3 steps are interconnected and neglecting any part of this sequence can lead to struggles and hinder business growth.


Clarity involves envisioning financial and time freedom in detail, specifying exact figures for income, work hours, and lifestyle aspirations. Belief is crucial, as it fuels commitment and must be supported by evidence such as existing knowledge and skills. Action requires consistent and strategic efforts to achieve the envisioned goals. May acknowledges the challenges of maintaining belief and taking action, especially when immediate results are not visible. Fluctuating levels of motivation and belief are normal, but successful entrepreneurs stay the course.


For those looking for additional support, May offers her 24 courses for $24, covering not only the fundamentals of building a business but also how to scale it in sales and marketing, converting leads, managing your CEO schedule, understanding legalities, and more. You’ll also have the opportunity to be part of a live community where you can co-work, brainstorm, network, and help each other. Click here to see what comes with the 24-course bundle!



• “This three-step process is interconnected with one another, and one cannot live without the others. This is the most fundamental for any business’s success. Unfortunately, it’s something that many entrepreneurs do not pay enough attention to.” (01:13 | May Yeo Silvers) 

• “Measuring your energy is so important. There are seasons in business, just like there are seasons in life. There are life-changing events such as getting married, someone dying, giving birth, or somebody getting sick. All these life-changing events are going to take you away from your business and even time from yourself. Your business cannot always be going at one hundred percent or a thousand percent all the time because you are human.” (20:00 | May Yeo Silvers) 

• “It will be up, down, up, down—that’s the life of an entrepreneur. If you are listening to this episode, you have to constantly assess your energy and remind yourself that this is part of the game you’re playing for the long term. This is part of the mental game that life and business will test you with. So don’t give up. That’s what I want to say. Don’t give up. Go back to the three-step process. Know that this is a game, and you have to be in the game to play it and win it. If you’re not in the game, you can’t play.” (23:58 | May Yeo Silvers) 



HAVING the belief that you CAN have what you want is THE key fundamental to achieving your dreams.But it is NOT easy to truly believe you can have what you dream of, especially when no one in your immediate environment is living the dream life you are envisioning. It is also NOT easy to take actions if you don’t know what actions to take, and not knowing if you are doing everything correctly.

These are the 2 feedback I get all the time in my event planners and designers community. Because of that, I created the 24 course bundle that also comes with optional live support to give you the WHAT and the HOW, PLUS a community to support your beliefs that you CAN really do it.


These 24 courses revolve around the business fundamentals of Pricing, Marketing, Converting Leads, Business Legalities, Items you need to start your business, Mindset & Productivity hacks.


Ready to launch and scale your events business for ONLY $24? Click the link below to see what comes with the 24 course bundle!


Connect with May at: [email protected]






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I’m May!

Event Planner & Strategist,
EVENTrepreneur, Coach & Mentor, Wife, Mom.


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