Don’t Lose Sight of Your REAL Goal When Chasing Your 2024 Goals – Episode 119

Don’t Lose Sight of Your REAL Goal When Chasing Your 2024 Goals – Episode 119

In the inaugural episode of 2024, host May Yeo Silvers takes on the challenge of finding balance and harmony between financial ambition and personal happiness and fulfillment. May opens up about her own experiences, offering a heartfelt and transparent look at how significant business successes in the past years, though gratifying, came with a cost to her personal life and relationships and what she changed to improve her overall happiness.


May warns that relentlessly pursuing financial milestones can inadvertently erode the very freedom and joy that entrepreneurship promises, transforming it into a perpetual quest for more. Furthermore, May addresses how ego can sometimes drive this pursuit to unhealthy extremes, compromising both well-being and personal connections.


The key, as May discovered, was in redefining what prosperity truly means. She describes her journey towards a more balanced approach to life, where success is not defined solely by financial achievement but also by the quality of life’s experiences and the depth of relationships.


This episode serves as a reminder for entrepreneurs setting new year’s goals to stay true to their core values while seeking success. It’s about finding a balance that not only fosters financial growth but also enriches personal and relational well-being. May’s journey encourages listeners to consider: How can you redefine success to encompass not just wealth, but a life that fulfills you on all levels?



• “My account was fat, fat, fat. But for everything else, I was in the negative.” (25:30 | May Silvers) 

• “May, why are you working so hard? Even though we put on our mantra that we want all those things, we want to spend time with our family, be intentional, be present. I wasn’t living out what I wrote.” (26:01 | May Silvers) 

• “When you’re chasing your financial 2024 goal, bear in mind, why? What’s the whole purpose of all this money?” (30:26 | May Silvers)



Lifeonaire: An Uncommon Approach to Wealth, Success, and Prosperity –


Event planners! Is 2024 YOUR year to LAUNCH & SCALE your event planning business?

If your answer is “YES!”, join us at our virtual 3 Day Passion To Profit “P.L.S” workshop where you will learn:

PREP: What you need to legalize ALL areas of your events business 

LAUNCH: The BEST marketing and sales strategy to attract your ideal clients, sell without being “salesy” and get paid your worth  

SCALE: How to price for PROFIT, pay yourself a full time salary and budget funds to hire help to scale your events business 

The virtual workshop starts on Jan 23-25 2023 and will be hosted by May Yeo Silvers, a multiple 6 figure events veteran and business mentor who has helped several event planners PREP, LAUNCH, SCALE their events business & turned their PASSION into PROFIT!


Click on this link to sign up:


Connect with me at: [email protected]






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Podcast production and show notes provided by

I’m May!

Event Planner & Strategist,
EVENTrepreneur, Coach & Mentor, Wife, Mom.


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