You Are Doing All the “Right” Things, but Why Isn’t the Business Growing? – Episode 152

You Are Doing All the “Right” Things, but Why Isn’t the Business Growing? – Episode 152

“I can totally relate to this because I feel that pain in my own business, even though we have a successful business. It can plateau, or it can decline in terms of growth. I have to do some soul-searching and a lot of auditing to understand why my business is not growing as fast as I want it to,” shares May Yeo Silvers. 


Entrepreneurs need to invest time and energy in critical analysis of your marketing tactics to overcome growth plateaus and optimize results in all aspects of their business.  For example, May emphasizes the need for a strategic approach to social media marketing, advising that while consistent posting is vital, success hinges on understanding what content truly drives engagement and conversions. She shares that, although her Instagram reels attract followers, it’s the static posts and carousels that generate more significant engagement and sales, underscoring the importance of focusing efforts on what works best.


Email marketing is a powerful tool, but May stresses the importance of analyzing which emails achieve higher open rates. Tailoring content to audience preferences can significantly boost engagement and sales, as evidenced by her own revenue-generating email campaigns. 


May also explores the value of in-person marketing, such as trade shows and networking events, urging entrepreneurs to track ROI meticulously. By focusing on the most profitable opportunities, businesses can allocate resources more effectively.


EVENTrepreneurs should regularly audit their marketing activities to determine what works and what doesn’t, enabling them to make informed decisions and focus activity in the areas that actually drive business growth.



• “I can totally relate to this because I feel that pain in my own business, even though we have a successful business. It can plateau, or it can decline in terms of growth. I have to do some soul-searching and a lot of auditing to understand why my business is not growing as fast as I want it to.” (02:30 | May Yeo Silvers)

• “You can see that many business owners are doing the right thing, which is marketing themselves in different formats… The action is correct, but not all actions will yield the same results. And because time is limited, and resources are limited, you want to be able to focus your time and resources on those right things that are yielding results at a faster pace. So don’t think that you are doing everything correctly.” (23:31 | May Yeo Silvers) 

• “Do not stop doing the right things, but be more intentional and critical in auditing and analyzing the results that all the right things you’re doing are yielding. This way, you’ll know how to channel your time and resources into the things that are really working for you.” (25:16 | May Yeo Silvers) 



It is a challenge to determine what are the “right” things to do when you are launching and growing your business. It is also a challenge to decipher if you are doing the “right” things correctly.


These are the questions that EVENTrepreneurs have swirling in their head, and also keep them from gaining momentum in their business. Why tackle the EVENTrepreneur journey alone when you can be in a community where there are other EVENTrepreneurs who have already walked this journey and can guide you from making expensive mistakes and wasting time?


Click on this link to find out what the Unstoppable Eventrepreneur Live Support Community has to offer!


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I’m May!

Event Planner & Strategist,
EVENTrepreneur, Coach & Mentor, Wife, Mom.


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